Some people aren't going to like this... I've bought a Mac. I've always wanted one, but never been able to afford it. Now I've ordered a white 2ghz Macbook, and dang I wish it were here already!
I hope people won't be offended by my doing this, but I need to raise some money to pay for this new machine - if this kind of posting isn't on, dear Mouser and other Moderators, please delete it. Over the last year or so, I've bought a whole lot of really good software, which I now no longer have a use for (I'm selling my Windows machine to a friend, and while I likely will run XP on my Mac, I will do all the things these programs do from within OS X). So I'm wondering if anyone is interested in buying some software from me?
Here's the list of what I have:
* Microsoft Office 2003 Student and Teacher edition (original packaged, holographed CD included - licensed for installation on three computers) - UK only, as I will mail you the CD: £65
* Look 'n' Stop firewall: £15
* Roboform Pro: £15
* WindowBlinds 5: £10
* Acronis TrueImage 9: £20
* Genie Backup Manager Pro 6: £25
If you're interested in any of these, please p.m. me.