let me pose some simple questions please
to explain what I am looking for exactly
I want to store thousands of files in a simple folder
I want each of these files to have encorporated (if possible) or externally associated, some data (metadata)
now, this metadata contains fields that can be created by the user (eg if we are talking about mp3 files, it contains artist, version, date recorded, date composed, etc)
each of the fields will have optional values (eg the field version, will have the values 0.1, 0.2, 1.0, etc). these values will be created by the users and will appear in a drop down menu
that way we will create, during time, a template of metadata, with many fields and each field with many values
each time we will store a file in that folder (remember, no subfolders, just a huge folder with all the files) it will ask us to fill in the values of the metadata fields
there will be scripts that will suggest (by reading the document and matching existing strings with the already stored values of the fields) which values to put
or otherwise, the user that will insert a new file into the folder, will have to enter manually the values (if they are new) or to choose them easily from the drop down menu (which will filter the view by entering partial strings and match via regex)
so, this way, all the files, will have specific metadata
will can be used to find files with specific metadata values
and display a treeview of files of specific metadata in a specific hierarchy
can you understand this?
can you suggest improvements for this model?
can it be implemented easily?