"Haiku" is a traditional form of Japanese poetry. Haiku poems consist of 3 lines. The first and last lines of a Haiku have 5 syllables and the middle line has 7 syllables. The lines rarely rhyme.Here's a Haiku to help you remember:I am first with fiveThen seven in the middle --Five again to end.
It will end June 14th at 9am NY time.
A Donation mug As Cody has instructed Off, to brew java
Contest back in time The day, it cannot be right Update: tomorrow
my home is the roada Cody mug in my handDC on the screen-jdd (June 13, 2006, 09:21 PM)
Sweet little Cody ...Don't eat all donated coins!!!Mouser will be cross
I too hate haikuIt's a lame type of poemLeaving this topic-Rover (June 13, 2006, 09:52 PM)