since Softmaker has a very special UPGRADE offer, you can get its Office software with a 90%+ discount legally TODAY only by following these steps even if right now you do not own their software (because they allow upgrades from their FreeOffice product):
1.) Go to
www.freeoffice.com and click on Download and then you get a registration window, in which you should put in the information you will later purchase the upgrade with. Install the software.
2.) Go to
www.softmaker.com and click on "Shop".
3.) In the "Redeem Discount Coupon" field enter "dfro".
Voila - you will see the following discounted prices for the
upgrade versions (for which you are now eligible since you have FreeOffice - see step one):
Office Standard: $6.99 (Full Product $79.95 = 90%+ discount)
Office Professional $19.99 (includes more dictionaries and an Outlook clone, full product $99.95)
Office for Linux 2012 $10.99 (like windows standard, full product $79.95)
They also have like 50% discounts on some of their font packs (scroll down more).