I would appreciate some advice on how to transmit large files. I don’t have the need or resources to set up a full blown website but I have some large files (50 to 100 MB) I would like to upload to a site to make available for download to selected folks.
I had the exact same need. I tried to find a free web hosting provider, but it was a waste of time. I agree with everything Mouser said.
Then I tried uploading services, like Rapidshare, YouSendIt, zUPload.. but uploading is sometimes slow and plenty of people don't know how to download from it.
So, finally, I gave up and just bought a webspace. Being cheap I tried GoDaddy. I got
much more than I wanted (5 GB space, php, sql server, tons of site tools...) and I do not regret my decision.
FWIW, for easy sharing I recommend CSBFTP (
http://www.toffi-net...P-support/eindex.php). Just right-click a file and it'll be uploaded to a FTP Server + the download link(s) will be copied to the clipboard.