Thanksto both of you. Two is a good start. I expected 4WD to throw in something, he usually comes up with a script to do anything. Most work!

Just kidding 4WD your Help has always been some of the best. I am going to check out Growl and Rainmeter.
I hope you can see what I mean by my question though. There are any number of Important issues that are totally ignore by people where I work becasue they dont know that if the tiny icon in the taskbar has a yellow exclamation mark it means to >>> HEY!@!!LOOK AT ME <<< as I have something IMPORTANT to tell you. Many updates and errors and all kinds of things go ignored for so long that by the time I get involved it is a total catastrophe. When I point this out, they always say they just didn't know. And it is TRUE. Even AVAST and MBAM will barely 'Bleep' if they need updates and the ones they do pop out, people are usually busy and minimize and once that is done they don't come back
Shame I didn't think of this in time for the 2015 NANY lists maybe someone would have written it as it seems a perfect Need with no solution that could be used by many people.
It seems that something could be done with one of the programming tools similar to AHK since all it needs is a way to match a given condition to the displaying of a matching message.
Another minor point, Is there anything I can add that will allow me to create preset error corrections on this site? Like in Outlook, where (as a bad typist) I am always hitting the same wrong keys when typing a word, i could tell the spell-check that any time i enter "speel" it would get corrected to "spell" and achieve auto-correct for Forum entries? Not to mention the ubiquitous single character "i" that I always MEANT to put "I" Took me a while to even train OUTLOOK on that one