Hi Mouser,
I hope all is well with you. I haven't had a chance to tinker with advanced CHS stuff in a while. (Though CHS and SSC both get used A LOT on my work puter).
Anyhow, Am tinkering now... I'm not sure if this is even feasible, but I'd love if, from the "Modify Case/Tools" and/or the Main Window text edit area, I could select a rectangular portion of text (i.e. the same columns across multiple congruent rows...)
Here's a screenshot from Word... It you hold down <Alt> and click-n-drag with the mouse, you get the following:

My overall goal is to get from "before" to "after" as in the image below:

If I copy the column of numbers, CHS will "Prefix" and "Suffix" the parts perfectly, but unfortunately MS Word won't let you paste into a rectangular selection... If CHS were to handle this, I could copy the whole table from Word, do my thing, then paste it back in...