You might try this script, it's written in Autohotkey so you may need to look at a
tutorial in their
site but should work.
oldClip := clipboard
newClip :=
clipboard :=
Send, {ctrl down}
Sleep, 10
Send, {c down}
Sleep, 10
Send, {c up}
Sleep, 10
Send, {ctrl up}
clipWait, .01
if ErrorLevel ; If the first copy failed do it again
Send, {ctrl down}
Sleep, 10
Send, {c down}
Sleep, 10
Send, {c up}
Sleep, 10
Send, {ctrl up}
newClip := clipboard
clipboard := oldClip
; Release duplicate clipboard content from memory, could have large file in clipboard
VarSetCapacity(oldClip, 0)
return newClip
#IfWinActive ahk_class Net UI Tool Window
Send s
linkText := copyText()
currentEmailText := ComObjActive("Outlook.Application").ActiveExplorer().Selection.Item(1).body
regexMatchText := "(?<=" . linkText . "\s<)[^>]*"
RegExMatch(currentEmailText, regexMatchText, selectedOutlookLink)
FileCreateShortcut, %selectedOutlookLink%, %A_Desktop%\test.lnk
To use it rightclick on on the link then rightclick again, it doesn't create a new context menu item but works for me on Windows 7 and outlook 2013.