Maybe I'm too old or just old-school when it comes to stuff like this but my feelings are:
- Good grief, do folks keep nothing private anymore?
- I would be thoroughly embarrased to have aired my own dirty laundry like this in public. Hell, I felt embarassed after reading just a couple of paragraphs; I couldn't even finish it.
- It's apalling to me that garbage like this is worthy of the viral explosion that results from it. What a waste of time.
In regards to game review scores, it's just like anything else you purchase in life:
Caveat emptor, baby. Caveat emptor. Do your homework. As wraith808 said, wait for some user reviews. Think about it for a while. Ultimately, however,
you're the one that pulls the trigger when buying a game so, if a game doesn't meet your expectations, accept it, forget about it, and move on.

Remember, it's just a game.

Did that all sound too curmudgeonly? Have I actually reached that stage in life? Hahahahahaha.
Disclaimer: I am 40 years old and, while not a private person at all, have never had a Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or <insert social network> account. However, I feel somewhat qualified to have an opinion on the aforementioned based on having been around the internet for a long, long time (with Usenet posts dating back to the very early 1990s).