think a few people here will get a few laughs.
e.g. part3( __global struct triangle *triangles,__global uint *tri_num, __global float4 *c_pos, __global float4 *c_rot, __global uint* depth_buffer, __read_only image2d_t id_buffer,
__read_only image3d_t array, __write_only image2d_t screen, __global uint *nums, __global uint *sizes, __global struct obj_g_descriptor* gobj, __global uint * gnum,
__global uint *lnum, __global struct light *lights, __global uint* light_depth_buffer, __global uint * to_clear, __global uint* fragment_id_buffer, __global float4* cutdown_tris)
I'd like to thank firstly myself for being an amazing programmer, and secondly OpenCL for being literally hitler
More good stuff there as well.