View the end goal number alongside the current progress bar AnotherOneDone
Change the font size of bars based on importance Droptask
Auto-generate progress bars by dragging url/url inside url Dragdis
Add sound effects for every manual addition of the progress bar not just the end
Add linked progress bar that reduces a full progress bar for every time there's an increase in the other progress bar Gamification/Pomodorium
Add leaderboards of progress bar tasks completed Gamification
Add vertical bars between spaces of columns for longer paragraphs Trello
Autofill progress bar name for new progress bar when a finished progress bar ends Lastpass
Autohide multiple progress bars with a click of a button and replace it with a singular space that individually opens those bars one by one OneTab
Only set a limited number of progress bars to open on startup
Create sub-progress bars that pauses the main progress bar unless the sub-progress bar gets completed Goalscape
Create a visible log of previously finished/hidden progress bars TheBrain
Singular progress bar that switches when the right mouse button is held and then swiped Sleipnir Browser
Sleep dial tabs Scrivener corkboard
Add karma/daily score board based on your progress Todoist/DayScore/Success Log/Fail Log
Add sounds based on progress bar Coffitivity/Soundrown
Combine PopUp Wisdom with completed progress bar
Change progress bar color based on hotkey - preferably different from current colors to differentiate between interruptions, breaks, side projects Noteliner
Offer a type box to quick create dated progress bars coolendar
Add the option of asking a question at the end or beginning of a progress bar IMQuit Addiction for Android
Add a progress bar that starts at the middle and can be dragged to negative or positive Treed! for Ipad
Set gesture to auto-minimize Progress Bar and optionally set time for it to reappear