Hmm. I will probably misfire my tone here and I only glanced at the article, but here goes.
To me VR/AR/___ can be divided into a few parts. For brevity, let's separate out a couple with quick notes. At one point about the year 2000 I "foresaw" parts of our current predicament. I'd sorta date about 1995 with the advent of Win95 plus Netscape as the early modern dawn of the net. Looking back, only five years from 1995-2000 really was rather quick of the net's "innocent age". Hopes were high, and we had some of our best cyberpunk movies.
By weird coincidences, the economic fall of Net 1.0 and the September theme came rather close together.
Now we're just in this "staring at each other in a fishbowl" stage that's basically been going on for *fifteen years*.
We're already had this "VR" mindset, where you look up anything you ever wanted to know related to anything you are doing. The only difference is an interface that's a little slower aka "pull out your phone (or go home to your desktop)" vs "overlaid on reality".
I'm terrible on faces so I'd see an obvious case of "wave my data glove and look up who that is", but that's just techno-peanuts.
I am thinking more of the emotional moods of society, and we had five years of youthful hope, and fifteen years of semi dark dystopia. What I don't have the answer to is how to keep that from becoming fifty years of increasing dystopia.