Rainbow Puke:
That assortment of colors that some programmers feel the need to introduce into chat environments, mainly by the use of color codes not normally supported by the software used to host those chat environments.
This results in usernames that look like this: #c24#{SCC}#c33# ~¤£ôv뮤Gï®|¤~623_32493
and text that looks like this: #cx#h#cx#i #cx#e#cx#v#cx#e#cx#r#cx#y#cx#b#cx#o#cx#d#cx#y#cx#!
(translation: hi everybody!)
The only time this text looks the way it's author intended is when someone uses non-standard, badly written software to host their chatroom, as is the case on the WinMX network.
The people that use these codes in their text expect everyone to run a server that supports them, even if that means compromising the security of your pc and millions of others in the process.
They also do not understand why people get upset in a normal room when the codes don't work but they continue to use them any way.
When these codes do work, it resembles a rainbow that puked on your screen, totally ruining any color scheme you may have taken the time to create for yourself, making the chatroom resemble AOL, and totally ruining your chatlogs with "garbage text".
(you can tell how I feel about this childish phenomenon