Erm... How can a province of Canada tell a U.S. company what to do?
What about that thing called jurisdiction? Or that other thing called sovereignty? 
States regularly overstep any semblance of what their jurisdiction is. For example...
FATCA - This is a massive overstep of jurisdiction by the criminals in Washington D.C. to give themselves more power to reach into people's pockets.
Child prostitution laws - In Canada and a few other countries, you can be tried for child prostitution crimes committed abroad in another country. While child prostitution is beyond sick, the same judicial overreach is disgusting. Why can't the same principle be applied to smoking marijuana abroad in jurisdictions where it is legal? Well, there's nothing stopping the criminals in Ottawa or other crime syndicates in other capital cities from doing the same.
In 2003 my business partner was outside of the country. The government shut down our COMPLETELY LEGAL business because it threatened their interests. We were both punished despite him not even being in the country.
States have no respect for borders. This is just another example of massive overreach.
And this time, it's about states taking the power to censor.
But it makes sense for the bigger bullies to have this first "decision" rendered in Canada. Canada has a certain reputation (deserved or not) and they can use that to then say, "Oh, but the Canadians did it, so it must be Ok, because Canadians are really nice and always say 'sorry.'" Pfft.