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Author Topic: File Send Link by email as a Single Hotkey without having to leave the webpage  (Read 16632 times)


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I got so close but could not find the final piece to the puzzle.    I bit of searching got me to the correct setup to achieve everything but the LINK for the webpage I was on.  F2 set to be the hotkey does everything but add the link.  I am sure that there is a variable somewhere that stores that link but I have no idea where.
This would just make it super easy to keep track of random browsing that turns up tidbits that I would like to go back and look at in depth but that may not be relevant to the reason for the Search I am working on,  I run across all kinds of places that I would love to go back and visit and to be honest file send PAGE by email might even be a better option since the link displayed might not reveal the reason why I saved it.
I setup outlook to automatically sort out these "interesting sites to be looked at when I have time" emails and pt them all in a folder.  Since it is an email, I have a date and time for when I ran across each one.

I'm not complaining, as the option to click all those keys does work quite well but it gets old after a while when I think about it.  Why isn't there a single click option to do this without even showing me Outlook or anything else so I do not lose my original train of thought for what I was really looking for?
I have searched for an IE add-on or even a Google Chrome add-on with no luck.  The F2 option was built from suggestions I found on 'How To Geek' and it works quite well except that it pops up the email on top of the webpage so I can fill in the subject (which I would like to be the link to the webpage)  <or as I said maybe better that it be the webpage itself.... except this could lead to some very large emails :)   ....  >

If anyone knows the location of the variable that would hold the actual web-address of the page I am on when I hit that hotkey I would appreciate it.  Most of the rest is done with the normal capabilities of the mailto: format which has a place to add the subject or I could make it the body.

The final step would be to complete the sequence with a SEND command so that all I might see is a flicker on the screen as it all happens.

Someone here always has the answers so it is the first place I look.  :)

Thanks :D


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I use Windows Live Mail as my default mail handler. That may not matter, but it seems to work well with any app that can send from the default. Using the 'send mail' from any app will fire up the Windows Live Mail "new message" window, and close after you hit send.

Using Firefox along with Fireshot I think I can do what the request is, except for the hotkey. You can do it from the icon at the top of the browser or from the add-on bar. Fireshot will work in IE and Google Chrome.
« Last Edit: November 23, 2013, 06:24 PM by cmpm »


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Maybe I wasn't as clear as I thought.  I can get Outlook to open up and load my email address in the sent to:
What I am lacking is the link info to send.  I know it is somewhere.  The address of the page I am on when I hit the F2 key which is what I programmed to be the hotkey access to the mail to: shortcut.  You can also include other information in the mail to: command line but I do not know where that information is stored in order to add it.
I presume it is a variable in IE somewhere that knows where I am.  It would be the contents of the address bar.  I just do not know where that information is stored so I cannot programmatically access it.


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Why not a bookmarklet?

eg. FYI

Just add your email address into it, (this is the Firefox version):

Change to:
javascript:var%20r='%250A',t=encodeURIComponent(document.title),g=window.getSelection();location.href='mailto:[email protected]?subject=fyi:%20'+t+'&body='+t+r+location.href+r+(g?'---'+r+encodeURIComponent(g)+r+r:r);void'2.6ff'

It'll open in your default email client with address, page title as the subject, with the URL and any selected text in the body.

2013-11-24 12_34_52-Write_ fyi_ mobilemind_fyi-bookmarklets @ GitHub.png
« Last Edit: November 23, 2013, 08:47 PM by 4wd »


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4WD  I shudda known it would be you :D.  You have come up with more of the "final parts" to my rube goldberg contraptions.  And they usually work !:)  Maybe always work.

I have never heard of a bookmarklet but I dl'ed the code so now I need to figure out how to patch it into the mailto: hotlink.
OR  maybe now.  It seems to already do most of what I want anyway.  I have a great hotkey utility called Clavier that I could not live without that can fill in ALL my emails ( i have about 5, one for each place I work) so that I get to benefit at each location from research done at the others.

I also recently found a fantastic one click AHK code to add the good old Quick launch bar back.  It never was hard but was tedious and I simply have to have it due to the way the IE download manager acts like it is an actual windows page.  So until you close it, clicking he "e" in the taskbar just opens the download manager.  I have not found a way to get the darned thing to "time out" after all downloads are done it stays open just to annoy me.

Speaking of annoyances,  here is a good one for you.  In Outlook (Version doesn't matter) if you enter a search term to look for an email in your inbox, after it does it's job and you find all the emails from "Mr. Buttkiss"   :)  or whatever term you type in.  WHY isn't there a timed release option.  Like maybe 5 minutes later the search bar erases itself so you go back to seeing the normal mailbox with ALL the mail instead of that select few.  A well behaved setup would even warn you that the 5 minute window was up and ask if you wanted to keep the search term or release it and go back to normal view with no filters.

I have a wish list that is as long as it is varied and surely these are quirks that annoy someone other than me.  But most people just put up with it.

By the way, someone here (I think) finally pointed me to the perfect solution to the need for a way to know where a download came from.
I have been very happy with it so far.    FDM  or Free Download Manager.

And a Really fantastic tool can be found at (again, many thanks to whoever sent me there) called Everything.  It is a lightning fast windows file searcher that I have not been able to find anything else that comes close.

I will close with one final request for Help!  This is affecting numerous people here and is really getting to be a nuisance.  CONDUIT!

I actually found EVERYTHING during a Search to get RID of conduit.  On every computer I have tried it on so far, there is a 100% success rate.  Simply enter conduit as the search term into everything and then SHIFT+Delete on ever file or folder it finds with that term in it.
I have never had a single problem created and every time I use it, it removes all the browser hijackers installed by the Malicious company.  But an ounce of prevention is etc etc .  so I wish I could flat out block the creation folder or file with the name Conduit.  Or at the least pop up a warning asking the user if they are sure they want to allow it.

While there are very likely legitimate programs somewhere that will need thatname in their folders, out of maybe the 50 or so I have had to clean, not a single one suffered any harm.

Happy Holiday Season to Everyone here on Donation Coders.


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4wd.  Oh well.  This wont quite make the grade. :(  It might if I rewrote the source but all I really need it something much simpler.

The Address shopwing in the addressbar.  Surely IE stored that info somewhere.  I simply need to be able to copy the info from the address bar and put it into the email that opens.  It is already pre-addressed to me and all I have to do is hit send.  BUT.  Before I can do that, I have to copy the website address from the browser address bar into either the subject or body of the email (or both).
I may have to get creative with a batch file that captures that one field and puts it into the correct position of the mailto: command.
this site has a lot of what got me this far  now only one automatic step left and I am a oneclick fix for sending myself links to site I am on


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If it's IE we're talking about:

2013-11-24 16_11_20-.pngFile Send Link by email as a Single Hotkey without having to leave the webpage

When it's in your Favourites, right-click on it and select Properties:

2013-11-24 16_24_47-fyi-ie Properties.pngFile Send Link by email as a Single Hotkey without having to leave the webpage

2013-11-24 16_14_48-mobilemind_fyi-bookmarklets @ GitHub - Internet Explorer.pngFile Send Link by email as a Single Hotkey without having to leave the webpage

That should work so that the next time you click the link it will insert your email address - I can't test it as IE is neutered, it requires you have a default email client set on the system, which I don't.

EDIT: Current page is held in JavaScript document property, eg. if you create the following bookmark and then click it a window will open with the URL.

2013-11-24 16_36_39-Properties for _Browser window position reset_.pngFile Send Link by email as a Single Hotkey without having to leave the webpage
2013-11-24 - Internet Explorer.pngFile Send Link by email as a Single Hotkey without having to leave the webpage

I will close with one final request for Help!  This is affecting numerous people here and is really getting to be a nuisance.  CONDUIT!

Apart from a piece of pipe, what is it?
« Last Edit: November 23, 2013, 11:56 PM by 4wd »


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IE Address Emailer (IEAE)

Edit the .ini file to use your SMTP server and details, there's an example .ini for SSL, (eg. Google), and non-SSL servers - the only difference is the port and the SSL flag.  The .ini needs to be in the same folder as the executable and have the same main name, eg. IEAE.exe = IEAE.ini

Works with Internet Explorer, (only tested with v11), and Firefox, (only tested with Pale Moon/Thunderbird), and doesn't require an email client to do it's dirty work.

You can run it by clicking on it's icon, through the CLI or assign it to a hotkey, (note: it doesn't set or use any hotkeys itself).

By default it looks for Internet Explorer, if you want to use it with Firefox add a parameter starting with f, eg.

IEAE.exe firetruck

When run, it finds the IE/Firefox window, grabs the title and the URL, sends the email, and then exits.  The only time a window is opened is if there is an error sending the email.

For Firefox, the browser will be brought to the front and the URL copied to the clipboard before being emailed, (easiest way to do it).

Subject gets truncated to 70 characters + ...

Naturally, you'll need to allow it through your firewall.


Source is included just so you know I'm not stealing your email addresses

UPDATE: v0.0.0.2
  • Added: Now does Firefox or anything based on it, (eg. Pale Moon, Waterfox, Thunderbird, etc - anything with a MozillaWindowClass).
  • Added: Check for .ini file - just in case.
  • Added: 64 bit version - use it if you have a 64 bit OS.
« Last Edit: November 25, 2013, 06:07 PM by 4wd »


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WOW! ;D :tellme:

what a Fright!  Clicked your link and got a GIANT warning from BitDefender telling me that the site I am about to visit is known to have MALWARE or some such!  I am trying to get it to repeat so I can send you a screenshot.  I was already on the site reading your posts, clicked the link to DL the file and WHAM.  I told it to let me in anyway so I might not be able to get it to do it again.  It must be something new , I have seen it only a couple of times all in past week or so.   Just an FYI.  I will notify Bit defender of their false positive.


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OK.  It's official.  I'm, an idiot.   :tellme:

I have ZERO ideas as to what to do with this.  What is a GZQUAR file?

as in IEAE.EXE.195020.GZQUAR?
Not to  mention IEAE.au3>?

Did my copy of Fastunzipsnack just blow a fuse? 


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Hah!  well  half hah...
I found most of what I need to know but not all.
I do not have Autoit3?  Do I need it?  I can read the script with notepad but not sure how to get IE to swallow it.

From your print-screen it looks like it would do the trick.
The ini files I can see how to edit but the other two are off my sight-line?  I have no idea what to do with them.


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Now I see it CLEARLY!   :Thmbsup:

BUT  I still don't know what to do with it.  Maybe removing the LOCKS put on by BitDefender.  Apparently they don't have all the bugs worked out yet.

This is from a post on their forums from January.   Another user in the same fix I am.  Stuck.  I think I will remove bit defender then re-download the file.
__________________________-  posted on their site -- _________________________

"........ that's because you are using two security products: Microsoft Security Essentials and Bitdefender Antivirus Free Edition, which are incompatible on the same system.   You must uninstall one of them for the proper functionality of your security product and computer.

Thank you! I've already uninstalled MSE.  >>>(Looks like he should have kept MSE and removed BitDefender  :P)

How can I remove a quarantine file and prevent future false threat identifications of that file by Bitdefender Antivirus Free Edition?

Jan 23 2013, 12:13 PM

We are working on this issue, in the next product update this feature(restore from quarantine) will be available.       Thanks for feedback,


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By the way... Conduit?  Just Google it.  "Conduit Malware"  It is "officially" a Browser Helper Object.  Apparently they even have some affiliation with MS.  They never get pulled and hard as heck to get rid of.  The Start page of your browser will usually show some kind of "SWEETUMS"  blah blah blah  that LOOKS just like the usual playpen that Google throws out but... it is not Google!  It is definitely a re-director and hosts all kinds of nasties. 
But, while the nasties themselves will often get removed by Malware-bytes and others, the Originator of all the trouble "Conduit" is still there.
              You will find it peppered all over your registry often in the company of words like "re-director" and so on.

Removing Conduit from all over program files really doesn't do everything.  Like I said, it takes a thorough searching of the registry to remove the rest.  Right now I can't even remember all the "aliases" but there are several. 

But the thing is so sneaky that unless you just happen to notice that you keep ending up on the same sites no matter what search terms you put in...   No harm - No foul I guess is how they look at it!    But it makes Google and other search tools worthless.  Worse yet, it sends back to ???? "Whoever" a full list of whatever you have been looking for.


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Oh well.  I guess I will have to completely dump Bit Defender to even find out if IEAE will work.

Even after unzipping, it still kills he process if I try to run it.  Doesn't say why. 


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OK   I neutered Bit Defender on ieae and now I get a transport error.  One of those long codes but at least I got something  said error code 2.  The name is right.  smtp server is right.  pw is right.  port is right 
Any idea where to go from here?


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You mean like this:

2013-11-25 14_03_22-Error sending message.png

If so:

Naturally, you'll need to allow it through your firewall.

And don't forget:

The .ini needs to be in the same folder as the executable and have the same main name, eg. IEAE.exe = IEAE.ini

Otherwise, I'm going to need a lot more info.

Or, just create a free GMail account to use for sending since I know it works fine with them.
« Last Edit: November 25, 2013, 05:18 PM by 4wd »


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UPDATE: v0.0.0.2
  • Added: Now does Firefox or anything based on it, (eg. Pale Moon, Waterfox, Thunderbird, etc - anything with a MozillaWindowClass).
  • Added: Check for .ini file - just in case.
  • Added: 64 bit version - use it if you have a 64 bit OS.


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I thought I would add something to this thread that belongs here from my mention of a piece of malware I wanted a fix for.
Conduit or Sweetpacks or whatever they go by these days.  What I needed was a way to find and remove every registry key name or value that contained the word "conduit" with as little muss and fuss as possible and of course providing the necessary backup of everything it removed.

Count this Request as FOUND!
I have to give 5 stars to an Old Hand at this I have not seen much in a while.  JVR Powertools 2014 from Macecraft software.
Interestingly enough, they have gone to "crowd funding" as a way to just put the entire package into the public Domain and at last check they were almost 30% of the way to reaching their goal.  But only 11 days left in the run, maybe someone else here can benefit from their Powertools program.  It is a very well designed toolkit of almost anything you could ask for.  And can't beat the 30 day 100% working free trial with no nags.

More on the project at

Does everything I needed and much more.   Works perfect for those "browser helpers" from Conduit that are almost impossible to completely get rid of.