4WD I shudda known it would be you

. You have come up with more of the "final parts" to my rube goldberg contraptions. And they usually work !:) Maybe always work.
I have never heard of a bookmarklet but I dl'ed the code so now I need to figure out how to patch it into the mailto: hotlink.
OR maybe now. It seems to already do most of what I want anyway. I have a great hotkey utility called Clavier that I could not live without that can fill in ALL my emails ( i have about 5, one for each place I work) so that I get to benefit at each location from research done at the others.
I also recently found a fantastic one click AHK code to add the good old Quick launch bar back. It never was hard but was tedious and I simply have to have it due to the way the IE download manager acts like it is an actual windows page. So until you close it, clicking he "e" in the taskbar just opens the download manager. I have not found a way to get the darned thing to "time out" after all downloads are done it stays open just to annoy me.
Speaking of annoyances, here is a good one for you. In Outlook (Version doesn't matter) if you enter a search term to look for an email in your inbox, after it does it's job and you find all the emails from "Mr. Buttkiss"

or whatever term you type in. WHY isn't there a timed release option. Like maybe 5 minutes later the search bar erases itself so you go back to seeing the normal mailbox with ALL the mail instead of that select few. A well behaved setup would even warn you that the 5 minute window was up and ask if you wanted to keep the search term or release it and go back to normal view with no filters.
I have a wish list that is as long as it is varied and surely these are quirks that annoy someone other than me. But most people just put up with it.
By the way, someone here (I think) finally pointed me to the perfect solution to the need for a way to know where a download came from.
I have been very happy with it so far. FDM or Free Download Manager.
And a Really fantastic tool can be found at
www.voidtools.com (again, many thanks to whoever sent me there) called Everything. It is a lightning fast windows file searcher that I have not been able to find anything else that comes close.
I will close with one final request for Help! This is affecting numerous people here and is really getting to be a nuisance. CONDUIT!
I actually found EVERYTHING during a Search to get RID of conduit. On every computer I have tried it on so far, there is a 100% success rate. Simply enter conduit as the search term into everything and then SHIFT+Delete on ever file or folder it finds with that term in it.
I have never had a single problem created and every time I use it, it removes all the browser hijackers installed by the Malicious company. But an ounce of prevention is etc etc . so I wish I could flat out block the creation folder or file with the name Conduit. Or at the least pop up a warning asking the user if they are sure they want to allow it.
While there are very likely legitimate programs somewhere that will need thatname in their folders, out of maybe the 50 or so I have had to clean, not a single one suffered any harm.
Happy Holiday Season to Everyone here on Donation Coders.