This is something that is similar to another problem I had a while back of wanting to save the link back to the site where I downloaded any files from. On that I finally resolved myself to using FDM which does help though still not quite what I was after.
Many time I find useful information while browsing the Net on various topic, I open notepad, and use cut and paste to save the specific part I need to refer back to.
then I go to the browser address bar and copy the link for the page I am on and add it to the bottom.
finally, I save the notepad document into a folder called "Net-Info" on my C: drive.
These three or four steps are not that bad but I with I could at least hot key the addition of the link because that step sometimes ends up with my getting only a partial link or even accidentally closing the page. I already figured out the part about using a shortcut to a blank.txt file that is located in the "net-info" folder so that when I save it, that is where it goes. But adding the link is something I would like to automate. Better than ahot key would be if the information in the address bar was added to the document as soon as I click to open the blank one. Maybe this is something I could do with an "auto-mouse" capture script?
Anyway, once the link info is in the text file, I could cut and paste the text I wanted from the site above it.
It would also be nice if the name of the file would automatically become the first 20 characters of the pasted text like Word does. Then I could just paste in the data and click save. I try not to use Word or WordPad so the link is not automatically active but can be copied and pasted if I want to.
If there is an easier way than taking all the steps I do or if it is something I need to program a script for if someone knows, I would appreciate the knowledge.
It seems like there should already be a button for adding the open link to a text file in the browsers but if it is there I cannot find it.
If the knowledge is out there, I am sure someone here knows it.