I'll put in another plug for SyncBack which has a free version and two paid versions (SE and Pro). You'll need to determine if the features will meet your needs.
The paid versions are moderately priced and a license for non-commercial use permits installation on up to 5 machines.
I am using the free version.
I have nowadays three levels of security copies
1. Cobian Backup
2. syncback free
3. Acronis
1. the first one is failing me. I use daily for obtain security copies in my two pc's.
Cobian copies files to the security copy disk T:
I obtain several copies of the same environment in a day with Cobian backup.
If something fails or an index is corrupt i don't wanna risk if only one security copy is affected too.
2. The second solution is used manually or automated by night to synchronized my two pc's certain folders.
3. Acronis needs no comment. I usually use to obtain a mirror copy of the system. But in this forum "everybody" knows that I always try to save the system by ordinary ways. I haven't restored a single image in all those years. Even suffering virus attacks. I have my acronis security copies unused while survive .....