the problem that I can see with windows backup is that you cannot search in the backup (like the catalog option in genie backup). Or can you?-urlwolf
You can certainly look at the folders and files in the backup. Just double click the backup file, go to the restore tab and use double clik to open up each layer of the tree in the archive. It shows folders and files at each level.
You can restore anything you want either to its original location or somewhere else if you want.
OK it isn't as slick and feature rich as some apps but it works and its free.
BTW, I like genie backup less and less each day. Very buggy.
What bugs have you found ???
Is the compressed file produced by windows backup a simple zip file?
No it is Windows .BKF format (which has three levels of compression)
I haven't tried recovering a backup from dixml.
I don't think they store all the partition in xml. What they do is similar to the .CUE and .BIN formats for music. The partition is the .BIN, and the xml tells you where each file/directory starts and ends. Which is very smart, if that's what they do.
From the Drive Image XML home page ... it says "Images are stored in XML files, allowing you to process them with 3rd party tools. Never again be stuck with a useless backup!"
It is worth reading the FAQs etc. on the site because there are quite a few restrictions on what you can and can't do with DIXML which aren't immediately obvious or intuitive.