Difficult to buy Stickies as it is totally free - and just gets better and better!!!
I haven't tried NoteZilla but it would have to do a heck of a lot more to justify $30 more than Stickies.
-Carol Haynes
Quote: "NoteZilla .. would have to do a heck of a lot more to justify $30 more"
I'm not sure. Linux is fine and free, but I've chosen to pay for Windows anyway.
Many firewalls / anti virus / etc / etc are fine and free, but we bought other apps' instead, didn't we.
But I should have made myself clear:
At home I have Win2K, so at home
I use Stickies, because NoteZilla is XP and Vista only.
I used to have NoteZilla's kid brother, Quick Notes Plus, and it sure is a fine app'. But one day I decided to swift to the new NoteZilla, only to realize it is XP/Vista only. I was so 'affronted' that I changed to Stickies, and found it to be better than Quick Notes Plus -
- but NoteZilla is even better, not "a heck of a lot more", just
even better.
Their trial is free...