I need to set up several websites for my family-I have never done it before!! As I need to do multiple domains I am looking a resellers hosting packages. I have found 2 that seem to have everything I want including scripts
www.lunarpages.com and
www.dream-hosting.co.uk. I am favouring
www.lunarpages.com as it seems to have extensive support.
Does anyone have any experience of these web hosting companies?? Or any other hosting services??
I am setting a website for NHS patients in the UK purely as a free service to patients to provide information on patient confidentiality.
If anyone would like to comment on the website for example layout, content, how easy it is to understand please feel free to PM me. I need to set up very quickly as I want it to coincide with Sir Trevor MacDonalds "Tonight" programme that will be broadcast on the 22nd May.