I was just thinking, pondering really, about the cloud and what it could become in the not so distant future 8 ~ 16 years from now.
We (well some of us) store a lot of our data in/on(?) the cloud -- a giant web/network of computers, servers, and other hardware devices.
If we continue to store all of our information; sort (tag, categorize, prioritize, etc) it, and store it on "the cloud" / internet, other than our own brains/memory, this makes our data easily "navigate-able" or understandable by humans and also computers/AI who somehow gets access to this data.)
More and more people are getting online each year, and more and more people are buying and using smartphones -- not only are we storing all types of data in the cloud, we are also quite easily located via our constant connections to the network, the grid, the overture, the omnivore, the echolon, yadda yadda ya.
We should be careful how well we organize our data. It's basically providing a roadmap to who ever is access that data into how you think and operate.
What do you think? I'm interested in hearing other peoples thoughts and opinions on this matter.
Could the cloud (i.e., cloud branded services) eventually evolve into interconnected clouds, which would them finally form the overall, mega ultimate cloudnet/skynet?
SkyDrive anyone?