Trouble is it is hard to keep the tracking to zero. If you use ToolWiz TimeFreeze or some other sandbox, fine, the stuff is erased when you reboot. But they are still gathering the data while you surf. It is really annoying.
There should be some kind of class action suit where they would have to pay us for this data. It might slow them down if it cost them a few bucks. Plus if they are going to spy on you at least you could subpoena their own data as proof they owe you money!!! 
You want WOT to pay you because you voluntarily installed a browser plugin that looks up and displays info from their database, based on the pages you visit? You think that is spying on you? You are annoyed by this?
It does have to phone home info to WOT for it to work. How else do you expect it to display the correct color icon (good, bad, unknown)? Where do you expect it to get the rating info from?
If you don't want WOT to know where you have been, why did you install it?