1) can you make it silent please? without popping info about chars etc
That's actually a setting, inherited from DragKing...:
[IDEA] copy on select2) is it possible to make it NOT to alter the buffer content when after selection of text, we click ctrl_c or context menu Copy,
Hmm, too much hassle to try and put that in, sorry, someone else could maybe try to add that.
You are trying to have 1 hotkey (Ctrl-C) for 2 clipboards. That's not ever going to work right, IMHO.
or in general normal clipboard contents change to the selected text: so to have totally independent two clipboards
That's what it currently is supposed to be.
3) have the switchable option to paste with right click (and evoke context menu with ctrl held down and right click)
That exceeds my AHK knowledge, and the amount of time I can put into it, so another: Sorry, won't do.
Much of what you ask can already be achieved, in maybe a little different way, by many of the Clipboard extenders/managers available.