Well, I haven't done experiments with wordpress yet -- I was using a quick insert into Word to predict what would happen in wordpress.
If you look at the apachefriends site, the font they're using is very ugly, and my screenshots do awful things to the letters.
What I originally wanted to do was choose a frame size of 350 px wide, zoom my browser in or out as needed so the portion of the site I want to capture fits nicely into that frame, do the capture, save the file, upload it to wordpress, and insert it into the page as a full-size image. But when I examined the capture, I found that the letters looked awful. I will try to make an attachment of part of it so you can see what I mean.
I got better results when I zoomed the browser to make the subject take up more space on the screen and then captured at 700 px wide. But then when I reduced it down with the thumbnail feature, it got very yucky indeed. I used bicubic. I don't know what would be the best fitting algorithm to choose. I was saving pngs.