Using the portable version of FARR installed on a Windows 7 notebook. I do not see the proper icon for correctly spelled words. I see an icon that looks like a DOS screen. Also I do not see the Thesaurus entries in the list. All dictionaries and the Thesaurus are located in the FarrSpell plugin directory.
Very frustrating.

I would appreciate any advice on how to get it to work.
EDIT: Could the problem have anything to do with what program the dictionary files and the Thesaurus are associated with on my PC? I noticed that the Thesaurus is associated with Windows Media Player and the dictionary files are associated with "Windows Shell Common"...? Furthermore I get the following error:
Find and Run Robot
Access violation at address 75AF48FC in module 'OLEAUT32.dll'. Read of address 00000001.
EDIT 2: Problem partially solved after reinstalling FARR and plugins. The dictionary files in the original installation were not in the right subdirectory. However, the OLEAUT32.dll error is still there, every time I try to access any row in the list of suggested words.