I've been getting into iOS development (that's why I originally bought my macbook). Does that count?
Yep. iOS counts too.

(There are more out there as well.)
What kind of stuff are you working on? Has Xcode driven you past the edges of sanity yet?

I bought my first Android phone 2,5 years ago (and my second 6 months ago), and read the Google Android development docs with the intention of creating a killer-app, but never actually created any Android app
(other than the obligatory demo-stuff).
Time and ideas are lacking..., so if you have a good idea, but no resources, I could jump into that 
Well, I think a good way to go about things is to take a very small application and extend it onto the new platform that you're planning on getting into.
I've been doing a lot of Android stuff (all theory) in Java and C++ for a few years now, but finally made the jump into actually DOING some with a release (yesterday).
My little practice app is "Frackin' Reserve!" It's a small, relatively simple program that I've done a Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, and web edition for, and now an Android version:
http://cynic.me/2013...reserve-for-android/https://play.google....minds.frackinreserveIt's nice because it's a fun little educational program that I just port to new platforms. That gives me time to focus on the cool stuff in the platform, and forget about the core code and all that.
So, if you've got some minor project (the smaller the better I think), then it might be worthwhile to just jump in with that to get your feet wet.
Along the way you learn some of those "gotchas", e.g. I had to uninstall Java & and reinstall Java 6 once I had it in the market as once it is in the market, if it was built with Java 7, things go badly and it won't install - despite numerous tests in emulators and devices.
The publishing process from inside MonoDevelop is pretty smooth too. I was quite happy once I got the hang of it. Simple. Fast. No messy, bothersome 50 mile long command line crap commands. Well, creating a keystore, but that's just done once and they lay out an excellent example so that you don't need to learn 100% of the ins and out of the keystore.exe program.
I'm sure you can think of a "mini-app" that might be fun. I think the key is to have something small and fun to do, then follow it through to completion. It helps give you more ideas along the way.
BTW - For android, "layouts" are a bit tricky. Things cascade in a way that you'd not really expect so much. It's much more like creating a GTK# app than a Windows forms app.