And all of the companies that use Chinese forced labor say "We are aware of the conditions and are working on ways to improve them".
BULLSHIT!!! First of all, a product like Nike tennis shoes that sells from $75 to $200 in the U.S. and made for less than $10.00 in China should be a good sign that things aren't quite right, but yet they keep on selling them. They've known this for years and years, but yet they are still made in China by forced labor. They don't give a shit, their bottom line is $$$$, to hell with everything and everyone else, including human rights, or lack thereof.
If they REALLY want to put a stop to this crap, move the factories back to the U.S. and take a little less profit. You know the Chinese government isn't going to allow us to do inspections, at least not surprise inspections. And if they did allow scheduled inspections, they would make everything really nice only for those inspection days. Payroll records are just too easy to spoof, just keep two sets of records, one for the inspectors and one for the real slave labor records. The only way they will EVER put a stop to this is to move the factories back to the U.S. where they know they can't get away with it.
But we all know this will continue as long as people keep buying their products.....