one of the longtime (but mostly quiet) members on the site,
seedling, has submitted an entry to the BCB contest, and decided to join the site programmers.
His first program,
Random Mix Tape Maker, is quite cool, and I hope you will all welcome him to the site!
Random Mix Tape Maker allows you to create custom playlists from multiple mp3 file sources on your system.
You can use these playlists to burn fresh, always new compiliations to a CD or drag & drop to your portable mp3 player, or just save a playlist for your listening pleasure. You have complete control as to how the playlists are created. Controlling such things as song length, compilation size, compilation length, and files/directories you want to exclude allows you to custom tailor playlist creation to fit your needs.
Making "mix tapes" is as old an idea as the tape recorder itself; Random Mix Tape Maker was made to create a compltely unique list of your favorite songs every time you use it, thus taking the hassle of searching through specific songs every time you want to make a mix of your own. Use it to make fresh mixes for your own listening pleasure, or use it to turn your friends on to your genre of music.
- Limit created playlist by total song duration (good for burning audio cds)
- Limit created playlist by filesize (good for burning mp3 cds/dvds)
- Limit minimum and maximum durations of songs to incldue
- Recursively searches directories; easy to search one or many.
- Flexible blacklist let's you easily skip songs or directories you don't want to include.
- Full drag+drop support into the program and from the program out to other apps.
- It's fast - just keep hitting the randomize button till you get a playlist you like.
- Can randomize existing playlists instead of directories if you prefer.
- Output displays mp3 tag info or file paths.
- Creates playlist files or plain text output.
- Double click to preview a song from the constructed playlist.
glad to have you aboard seedling!