The most recent discussion was in December, 2012. You can see that I was going by what was written by some concerned users as well as Bartels. And it is quite obvious that we were not talking about a "bug". If Bartels had features that they did not know, that would be puzzling. If they added features in the last two months, it likely was because of this confrontation.
Phrase Express
http://www.bitsdujou...nal-edition#comments1st Questioner: Just single question to a developer: Do you offer a free service or option to export my created snippets to plain text or other not proprietary format? Simply answer yes-no. This is the major thing to consider buying this software. I read Roy Planalp post and it makes me a little bit scarry.
2nd Questioner:...to ask the same basic question... in the application itself I do not see an export option.
How do I export the phrases that have been entered? If there is not currently an option to export phrases, when will this be added to the application? This is critical! Sorry, but this is important enough that there's no way I'll buy unless an export option is currently available or will soon be available. My data belongs to me and I have to be able to access it. Thanks!
Bartels Media You can export phrases as RTF-/HTML-/Microsoft Word-formatted text or unformatted plain text by simply inserting it into the desired target application. You can insert phrases by hotkey, by autotext, from the task tray icon popup menu or from a floating menu that can conveniently reside on your desktop. You can also export any phrase folder by simply dragging the folder from the tree view onto the desktop. Such exported files can be easily re-imported into another PhraseExpress installation.
It doesn’t make sense to export phrases in another format as PhraseExpress stores a lot of information along with each phrase that no other target application would be able to understand, e.g. proprietary hotkey/autotext trigger information, variables that contain restriction to certain target programs or users and additional parameters.
OK, this is one-by-one approach that is time consuming. Once again : Can I export ALL my created snippets from the database to plain text or other not proprietary format in a single batch or simple keystroke or whatever one calls it and not one-by-one?
1st Questioner: You did not answer my question. Please could you reply? If I should spend my money I need to have strong data to make decision. My second question is: Is the note on deleting bad posts from forum and poor support true as mentioned in Roy Planalp post true? I made some investigation on google with the name of your company and I do not know what I should think.
Steven Avery: Hi, This situation of not having a straight simple export of the basic data (to something like a .cvs or .txt file) should just about always be a deal-breaker, as it was for Roboform. Thanks to the posters who raised the question. At times, this is a symptom of other problems as well, but even by itself it makes a no-go.
Bartels Media @Steven:... Your idea of "straight simple export" may be based on a misconception, that PhraseExpress would be limited to replacing a text string A with a longer phrase B. PhraseExpress, however, does so much more: An Autotext or hotkey can trigger a text expansion *optionally*; PhraseExpress allows to assign multiple Autotext for the same phrase; it offers to adapt the letter case of the output phrase depending on the letter case of the Autotext. Hotkeys and Autotexts can be restricted to certain programs or users; phrases are organized in a customizable folder hierarchy which can’t be reflected in a simple plain text format; same goes for the proprietary macro automation language that are embedded in the plain text snippets. Then, there is the unique text prediction feature which uses data which is impossible to export in a meaningful format as it is stored in a complex multi-level matrix of word connections. ... If we would offer the “simple” approach as you suggested, you personally may be fine with that. But you are not alone: If we would offer such feature, thousands of other users may use it as well and may start complaining (for very good reasons) that all the text formatting would be lost in the exported file. Others may complain that the program/user restrictions settings are not exported or that the folder hierarchy would be lost. We kindly ask for your understanding, that adding such “quick & dirty” feature would create enormous support problems and it is against our quality standards anyway. Last but not least, it is very important to understand, that PhraseExpress IS a proprietary application as it provides a unique feature set.
Steven Avery Hi,
Bartels, I fully understand that two programs will not have exactly the same data .. one export, the other import. That is common in computer programs, one man's export is somewhat different than another's import.
Nonetheless, you, as a vendor with proprietary data, are supposed to supply the basics, which is simply :
a) the short phrase
b) the long expansion
You can definitely explain that this is a basic export. Perhaps you would add a bit more (e.g. an RTF option). You are NOT expected to export your special coding, like conditional processing. (e.g. Do this phrase if you are in Eudora email, or if the User is Max).
Afaik, there are no industry standards that you could use there, even if you wanted (as, e.g. with a .cal file for calender export and import, which is why calendars must have have such a function. A calendar is not expected to export all its functions but it is expected to do what it can unto the industry standard).
So nobody expects you to do what is essentially impossible, or nonsensical (a new specialized complex export, with a file-layout explanation, blah-blah). You are not asked to pioneer a new industry standard. If some one wants that type of specialized export, they can contract you out for that.
The simple fact is, you do not supply the basics.
So, as I said: I'm out. (continues)
More discussion here:
Proprietary Data Formats
This earlier discussion, April, 2011, I was not involved, however I did take note of some of the methods of Bartels when I read the thread.
Complaint about Bartels Media \ the PhraseExpress people
https://www.donation...ex.php?topic=26473.0Steven Avery