N.A.N.Y. 2013
New Apps for the New Year
Our annual NANY event is just around the corner -- it's where we celebrate the creation of new software by asking the coders who hang out on or visit DonationCoder to create some new piece of software that is free (at least for home use), and share it with the world.
We're pretty informal here, so your new creation could be a new website, a new desktop app, a new mobile app, a game, etc. It could even be an addon for an existing tool, or maybe even a substantial new version of something you've created before.
NOTE: We don't want any rights to the software, or anything else from you and you can host it wherever you want.. This is just about trying to get a bunch of coders together to create stuff.
And I think this year we should say that NANY should be a celebration of new stuff created in the last twelve month, since the last NANY event, rather than what we have done in the past which is to ask people to only enter stuff created in the last couple months of the year..
We don't have prizes for the best entries -- NANY is an open celebration and everyone is welcome, whether you are a new coder or a long time pro. The reward for submitting something is one of our prizes NANY mugs starring our mascot Cody the bird/duck. Yes you can submit multiple entries, but you still only get one mug.
If you are a coder and need an idea, make a post in this section and tell people what kinds of ideas you are looking for. Or if you're not a coder and have an idea you'd like someone to code, now would be a good time to post it.
And we strongly encourage (require) coders to start a new thread in this section, "pledging" the app they are going to release.
Let the games begin!!