You may want to take a look at
RichCopyIt's similar to RoboCopy but has a Gui. It's an MS employee written free program. It was the only thing I could find to efficiently copy the entire Windows.old folder over a network to another drive. Explorer would have spent a couple of days counting the files first. It has some quirks but it's multi-threaded. That was the only time I really used it. But it's one free option to explore(no pun intended.)

I wrote a program called
RCopy(RCopy has command line interface only.)
It does a copy rather than a move. But it is somewhat unique in that the target folder may be inside the source folder tree without it being caught up in an endless loop. If the target folder is on a different drive then the "move" is a copy anyway. You'd only be left with the chore of deleting the source files. My main reason for writing RCopy was to copy a bunch of subtitle files into a target folder to make it easy to process them all in batch.
The other unique aspect of RCopy is the actual recursive copy is performed by either a 32 bit or 64 bit app depending on your OS. This avoids problems with 32 bit emulator folder redirection on 64 bit OS. See the included Readme.txt for usage.