It is hard to find things I need a search engine to search it.
My girlfriend created a database for me, and if I can quit surfing long enough to add the links.
But I need a app that can sort the good url's, bad url's (people send me links too some are xxx) I do not want them in the db. And search them for me. I designed a program several years ago but had no takes on developing it.
I create new favorites/bookmarks every so often, then dump my findings into a 'dump.' A central collection, and go back and sort them into different categories.
Which is what I am going to have do soon, my lastest is getting to large to manage.
Oh my girlfriend said use "Google Desktop" it takes google Destop 3 or 4 hours to search my whole collection.
But the way I designed my program it would be a lot easier.
One of these day's,...sigh!.
I would love to check out your links 5,000 cool, trade you some links for your collection.
And I will add them to my own giving you full credit.