I saw
'Die Sehnsucht Veronic Voss' (just 'Veronica Voss' in English) lately. I knew nothing about it beforehand except that it's considered one of the German classics and I'd heard the directors name.
Initially I thought it was from the 50's, it's B/W, it's set in 1955, and -I'm not too well up on the terminology- but it's filmed in a film noir style. I found a few things odd and eventually realised it cant be - looked it up then - it was made in 1982. Still qualifies as 'oldish' I guess
About a once famous actress who fell out of favour after the war, is decidedly screwed up, meets a sports reporter who hasnt a clue who she is -
and I wont tell you any more - I prefer to see films myself knowing as little as possible about them. It's a bit of a 'Krimi', not high on suspense but very intriguing. I'm no critic, but there's some great acting and great photography.
I'd highly recommend it anyway.
Seems it's part of a 'thematic' trilogy and the others are supposed to be even better.
So I look forward to seeing them someday.
BRD Trilogyw my wiki links never work :-(