Like OpalCalc, I am the sole developer of a new program I've been working on hard these past few months called "SonicPhoto" (actually, my brother did help a bit with the graphics this time). In a nutshell, it converts from a picture (photo, drawing, anything) to sound.
It's similar to a program called PhotoSounder, and even though it lacks the in-built graphics editor and sound importer of that program, it has tasty automatic stereo, and a harmony feature which AFAIK is completely novel to this kind of thing.
The main page is found here:
http://www.skytopia..../software/sonicphotoUnlike OpalCalc, this one's priced at a fixed amount ($40-100). However, if any of you have previously donated to OpalCalc, I would be happy to give the Silver edition (worth $40) away for free as a thankyou for your support.
Here's the demo video: being version 1.00, I would say it's already very solid and shouldn't crash or have any bugs (famous last words).
Love to hear any comments and/or criticism. You guys are the first to see it!