I hope this has not been discussed but I did not find much in my searching...
Is there a way to export and import LBC configs to a file (xml, txt, csv) for the purposes of making sweeping changes or creating LBC configs quickly, or even backing up a config?
My situation: I have rather large LBC config, lots of menus and items. I want to make this portable, or less prone to breakage when my drive letters change or I move things. Everything I have defined points to a D drive. I want to switch to %APPDRIVE%. I was hoping to export to an XML file, or something, that I can do a search and replace. Then I could import into a blank toolbar and have my current config but now everything is changed. Just looking for a way to make sweeping changes without having to do lots of work.
Or maybe a option that tells LBC, if the option is enabled, to use the variable %APPDRIVE% instead of the drive letter if LBC detects that the added app is on the same drive as LBC or something.