Whatever, to me it seems a bit like mob hysteria with all sorts of wild, fanciful claims springing up. Most of them based on half truths or rumour or someone is reported as having said instead of actual facts. With our favourite govt to hate being the witch.-tsaint
I agree with this. I believe that the alternative media's approach only undermines their position. They rant to the converted, and dont seem really interested in the truth which is often hidden in the details.
A problem with that is, that it allows people looking from the outside to write them off as a bunch of quacks, and to think/claim that there's no big problem. In that sense, that type of media approach contributes to the problems, rather than exposing them.
I am quick myself to take people and their sources to task for flaws and weaknesses. I find the usual black/white approach to these kind of things a weakness - on both sides.
I'll repeat: I'm no fan of Wikileaks, and I'm no fan of Assange.
And I'll finish by saying that your comparision with a your local footbal team is weak, to say the least. I'll leave it at that, cause if you believe your position, who am I to say it's wrong.