We’re excited to announce new benefits that will help you get yourapps out to millions of people to see, try and buy! As an MSDNsubscriber, you’ll receive one-time 12 month Windows Store andWindows Phone Developer accounts!With a developer account, you can• Create apps• Publish your apps in all available markets• Watch your progress with detailed reportsWINDOWS STORE DEVELOPER ACCOUNT AVAILABILITY:You can sign-up for a company account starting today! Simply goto the benefit overview page to get your registration code and startthe registration process. You'll also see Windows Store Developeraccount listed on My Account. Individual account registration willbecome available later this fall.WINDOWS PHONE DEVELOPER ACCOUNT AVAILABILITY:Later this month, you’ll be able to sign up for your Windows PhoneDeveloper account. You’ll know it’s ready when you see the benefitlist on My Account. Just click on ‘Get Code’ to get your promo codeand start the registration process.Enjoy your new developer accounts and best of luck!
Carol made a joke (I think it was Carol)-wraith808 (August 08, 2012, 11:25 AM)
There were other companies who had app stores, way before Apple.Steam is an example of an download/updater for games, it was around way before ITunes started doing non-music. In fact, Steam has now started selling utilities/applications too.-dtsouers (October 20, 2012, 10:54 AM)