I almost never listen to streaming music mainly because there is so little I like, esp. the lack of classical music streams. The ones that do exist are 'popular' classics (which basically means stuff you've heard in TV ads or in film music).
Just a shame there are no serious classical streams (at least that I can find).
I don't listen to music radio much either for the same reasons. BBC Radio 3 used to come close but they have 'dumbed down' in recent years to try and compete with Virgin and ClassicFM's offerings.
I like lots of other kinds of music but I don't like to listen to what's on just for the sake of it.
Shoutcast Concierge comes close to solving some of the problems because I can at least have a pile of streams and look to see if there is anything I fancy listening to without having the stuff I don't want to listen to pootling along in the background. Having said that I am amazed that
www.shoutcast.com don't have a 'my favourite streams' feature which would have saved the need for extra software!