I would like a soft similar to this emptytxtfile.ahk (code under) , but for create folders instead of empty txt files .
And, if possible, with some addons :
- Folder of the month in format mm.yyyy
- folder of the year in format yyyy
- Folder of the day in format dd.mm.yyyy
- combined folder type : dd.mm.yyyy.<text>
- Possibility to create folders style : prg1, prg2, .... , prg9
- Possibility to create several folders at once.
- List of predetermined folders.
The original similar script, but for .txt files is :
https://www.donation...33.new;topicseen#new#SingleInstance Force
#if winactive("ahk_class CabinetWClass")
Gui, Destroy
WinGet, WinID, ID, A
ControlGetText, DesPath, Edit1, ahk_id %WinID%
Gui, Add, ListView, r10 NoSort gChoose vChosenName h300 w400, File Name
For A,B in {1:"Instrucciones.txt",2:"Instalar en mv.txt", 3:"Es mal portable. Instalar como no portable.txt", 4:"Instalado como portable.txt", 5:"Instalar cuando se pueda.txt", 6:"ReciboLLamadaAlas.proponer fecha hora.txt", 7:"Ver pantallazos.proponer fecha hora.txt", 8:"Ver grabaciones de la fecha.proponer fecha sistema.txt", 9:"password pegado del portapapeles.txt", 10:"Avira detecta virus. en parte a especificar.txt", 11:"File11.txt", 12:"Es un juego.txt", 13:"Es para entorno MAC Apple.txt", 14:"Tambien tienen versiones de pago.txt", 15:"No es buen portable.Instalado como portable.txt",16:"No funcione en xp. es para w7 o sup.txt", 17:"File17.txt",18:"File18.txt",19:"File19.txt", 20:"File20.txt", 21:"File21.txt",22:"File22.txt", 23:"File23.txt", 24:"File24.txt",25:"File25.txt",26:"File26.txt"}
Gui, Show, h300 w420, Choose File Name
LV_GetText(ChosenName, A_EventInfo)
Gui, Destroy
FileAppend,, %DesPath%\%ChosenName%
Sleep, 850
While (ClipBoard != DesPath "\" ChosenName)
Send, % SubStr(ChosenName, 1, 1)
Sleep, 15
SendInput, ^c
Sleep, 15
The screenshots :

Empty Folder List Creator in the active window

Empty Folder List Creator in the active window
Features suggested in the screenshots with commentaries :
- the possibility of check several name folders for multiple creation. It's only an idea.
Best Regards