I have received help from dylan904
#SingleInstance Force
#if winactive("ahk_class CabinetWClass")
WinGet, WinID, ID, A
ControlGetText, DesPath, Edit1, ahk_id %WinID%
Gui, Add, ListView, r10 NoSort gChoose vChosenName, File Name
For A,B in {1:"File1.txt",2:"File2.txt",3:"File3.txt",4:"File4.txt",5:"File5.txt",6:"File6.txt",7:"File7.txt",8:"File8.txt",9:"File9.txt",10:"File10.txt"}
Gui, Show,, Choose File Name
LV_GetText(ChosenName, A_EventInfo)
Gui, Destroy
FileAppend,, %DesPath%\%ChosenName%
Sleep, 850
While (ClipBoard != DesPath "\" ChosenName)
Send, % SubStr(ChosenName, 1, 1)
Sleep, 15
SendInput, ^c
Sleep, 15
Goes well. Rarely fails, but his author tells :
"To the extent of my knowledge, Windows Explorer is not very easy to manipulate.
But you may use something like this, you can use an .ini instead, but for now i just used a general list of file names to choose from (Control+Alt+z to activate)..."

Now I am considering the possibility of insert date/time in the name of the txt file.
I supposed I have to use a system memory variable and propose in the name of the txt file.
For me is enough to edit the ahk file.