Or create a screen-movie, using something like the free CamStudio
CamStudio I think don't have the pause button.
So I only can see the super-quick warning.
Something is interfering in my hotkey Control+K when I activate the capital lettters (excuse my english)
When I activate to put the letters in the way (ABCDE...) my hotkey fails
Shift+Control+K ?¿??¿?¿
I usually assume the old format : Control+shift+K
I will investigate this hotkey
Owww. In Firefox have strange effect. Open a singular window I have never seen before....
The additional problem is that when I deactivate the key of the ABCD... letters, the problem with the hotkey Control+K continues.
The hotkey is general. Assign with an old version of Phrase Express.
Version 4 I think.
When try Shift+Control+K in the screen that don't obey there is not interaction.
I need to see that damned screenshot.