! That raises more questions than it answers.
OK, I recognize that NoSQL is not
No SQL, although I do wish it had been given a better cognomen. That much, I knew. What I don't know, as a jump-off point [ferinstance], is when to consider such a database. Another question would be, "Just how many such entities are there?" (
Ath's link quoted four (4) by way of example.) Do I roll my own? Where can I find guidelines, summaries, comparisons: I need to know, should I adopt such an approach,
which database(s) would best fit my purposes.
It strikes me that the database arena is becoming as forked as the *nix arena, with every element having its own fan base, and no consensus, much less clear choice.
[Sidebar. This topic has come about because of a school for which I do some
pro bono publico work. The administrator for my area asked me about NoSQL, whether it would hold any practical advantage for the school. Since the work is local to the school, I'd think not, but I told her I would do some research. So far, that research has revealed a morass, no real organization/definition at all.]