I do not understand a thing about this app, what does it do?
At its core, it is a file launcher, icon dock, stack docklet, wallpaper flipper and a visual style editor, all rolled into one. Splinter further enhances their functionalities by combining them within each other.
There are three main branches of Splinter. Triggers, splicons, and pages.
It uses "base" icons called triggers and are like borderless dock icons similar to Magic Formation. However, triggers have the ability to, have any file folder or app hotlinked to them, open any png file as a hotlinkable splicon, and run internal scripts that can link hundreds of splicon and trigger abilities together with pages(standard Windows wallpapers), accessing them at a specific pace in a set order, called splicon sequences. They can appear as any image, including APNGs, and are called triggers because they initiate splicons.
Splicons are static png files that are 'splanimated' when its parent trigger is activated. they open from a fixed location and size and end at another location and size. Notice how similar their, overall, 'animation' abilities are to the way icon stacks open. It is because the first splicons were just icon stacks with character images instead of folder icons. These splicons can be hotlinked to any file or folder or app or web page and are at the bottom z-order, so that they appear as your wallpaper, all other windows appearing above them. They are dynamic, real-time, and forever editable still imagery in motion. They occur in quick bursts as they are 100% designed to be icons, not animation. They stop and assume a position of a perfectly blended in hidden hot link "within" your wallpaper, as you cannot tell the splicons from the background.
Pages are standard Windows wallpapers that are able to be named and, therefore, linked within splicon sequences with the "goto" command. Using them within splicon sequences allows you to create interactive stories, with the scenery changing by simply flipping to a new page(standard wallpaper)
By linking these three branches with each other, in various ways, it gains many new abilities that are unique to Splinter.
It allows you to create and share any type of icon dock. As well as any type of stack docklet, from scratch. Splinter's docks are not bound by any boundaries or templates, as is the case with many docks.
It is a visual programming "language" that is simple to create with and use, as most of the creation is done by dragging images around the screen and setting them in starting(closed) and ending(opened) positions
It links (spl)icons with wallpapers for seamless environment integration. It allows for the placement of numerous "hidden" and/or relevant file or web links. Essentially allowing for the wallpaper to appear hot linked.
It allows you to create very dynamic and interactive desktop interfaces that ara fundamentally utilitarian in functionality, but can be as artistic as the splinterface creator or end user desire.
It allows for more possible permutations of different ways your desktop can look and function, than anything else. A google times a google times 1 trillion possible permutations of desktop looks, just with one splinterface, alone.
It allows for the averange end user to create complex software outputs called splinterfaces, which are dynamic imagery driven desktop interfaces