Basically, just run it, then look for pages with zero visits. (That's what you're looking for when you say "unused", right?)
Well-l-l-l ... not exactly. Here's the problem: pages no longer in use or referenced. Xenu shows too much,
e.g., Xenu will show every reference to a bad link, even though that link is only bad on one (1) or two (2) pages: the link is still valid
from other pages. Obviously, there's not cause to delete the pages with that particular
bad link.
However, there are pages, even folders, that are no longer in use
. Those are the pages/directories we'd like to delete. However runnin' 'em all down is labor- and time-intensive, as well as being prone to inadvertent error
Basically, this is a non-trivial task. I disbelieve that this is the first time it has ever cropped up, and I'm reasonably certain someone much smarter than me has created a means to ease the process. I'm lazy, so I just want to find that means