The last week, I have been comparing various notes and sticky programs, Ubernote, Internote, WebNote, QuotePad (CintaNotes copycat), NoteZilla, Stickies, with the idea of being more net oriented where sensible (e.g. Ubernote so far beats Zoho and Springnote on ease of use and comfortable and quick editing, even if weaker in page overviews).
CintaNotes looked very good in some ways, except that it was in between everything. If I remember it did not have a sticky aspect AND it did not have an RTF editing aspect. (Just colors for a note, stuff like that.) Also, it did not have an elegant notebook (perhaps explorer-style) page system, as mentioned above, more like a heap.
It is very possible that I am missing something in these lacks. I'd like to have a good reason to give it a go, so please let me know where it shines, and what I am missing above.
Incidentally, on web-page stickies, Internotes is winning, despite its primitive editing. It is smart about domains, while Stickies and NoteZilla are dumbos, working with the Windows function for open windows (fergot the name offhand). However they are very good for desktop and attaching to a program, just not a web-page.