I have been trolling for a Portable clipBoard program:
Basically, I want a clipB program that will autoSave all copied images (with original FileType).
AutoSave all copied text (as separate file * ),
but (optional) prompt for a TAG for 'saved text Category'
(FolderName = TagName, FileName = date/time):
User defined BUTTON TagNames: Quote, Html, Url, Colors, ReVisit, ToDo, EmailTo,
C-programming, HotBasicProgramming, Default, Research, etc...
(maybe user defined TagNames in *.ini file).
* but also keep a running tab of all text copy's (as one file),
since last 'user defined' interval (new day, or last startup, or date time).
And be able to go back and Edit/ReTag an item.
If there is already a cbProgram that does the above, pls, let me know.