What is easiest way (fewest steps) to open a file (say, jpg) saved on disk, into the SSC screen?
To open ONE pic, must you ALWAYS 1st use "Create New Blank Image File," THEN "Add Image File As Object to Screenshot?"
Selecting a file (copying) from folder in Explorer, then Ctrl + V onto SSC blank object screen doesn't always seem to work correctly.
Seems like there should be a File menu option just to browse to a folder / image, select it & open in SSC w/ no other steps necessary. I'm probably missing something.
For SEVERAL images, best way I found (so far) is create a New Folder in SSC, then copy / paste images from an Explorer folder into the SSC folder just created. Then choose from the images shown inSSC's L pane. Is that the best / easiest way to access / import MULTIPLE images into SSC? So they can be selected quickly from the SSC left pane vs going back to Explorer folder time & again?