Wait! my laser is fully charged ... you're telling me this thing is a fake!?
Yes, aparently it's a Provocoteurd.
-Stoic Joker
Seems like we need to be a bit more vigilant in looking for more false flags.
Which is why Anonymous needs to learn some strategies if they hope to succeed in their stated goals rather than just being a bur under the saddle of those in power.
Governments and entrenched power bases are
designed to handle direct frontal assaults and most 'guerrilla' attacks.
And it's very easy to paint those who "break the law for a good cause" as common criminals. Or worse. Those who watched the movie Patriot Games may remember the scene where Dr. Ryan confronts the IRA spokesman and remarks how that's the problem with guerrilla attacks: "You claim responsibility for one thing...deny it for another. Nobody believes you anymore."
So getting into an arse-kicking contest with porcupine is not the smartest of moves.
If you really want to win, you have to
change the thinking of the general public. And before you say it's not possible, look how successfully the people who engineered our current social mores succeeded when they shifted the mindset of America from an anti-establishment to a pro-establishment bias. It took Ronald Regan, a bunch of conservative TV hosts, economic prosperity, and another 15 years (plus one horrendous attack on American soil) to lock it in. But lock it in they did.
And that didn't happen because they kept sending in the cops. They quickly discovered that didn't work too well. Because underneath all of this is a very simple truth that can't really be logically proven. But it remains true just the same:
Nothing taken purely by force is ever kept.Call it
karma, 'the spirit of human history', advanced game theory, or whatever you want. The simple truth is: force and violence never create lasting or permanent gains.
So how to win a battle like this one?
Educate people. Conquer hearts and minds. Show your opponents up for what they are. Preferably with a bit of humor, since
abusive authority always withers in the face of laughter and scorn.
How do you do that? Very simple.
You learn how.
Start here: Saul Alinski's
Rules for Radicals.
The perfect book on how to fight against
this sort of thinking :
I don't know what will happen, but this seems the time for the big government people to make their push. Their framework is now in place, and their time to act is coming. If they allow another election they know and so does everyone else they will lose their power. This cannot be allowed to happen in their eyes. They have the food prices were they need them. They have the money supply were they need it. They have all the federal agencies they need in place. They have the schools. They have mainstream media in their pocket. And the biggest of all they have the people who believe in the constitution against the wall, and isolated.
(taken from R. Horn's tongue-in-cheek Countering Rules for Radicals)