I am having this issue with a recent Win7x64 machine : I have created on the Desktop a folder that contains shortcuts of installed applications, instead of having them all around the desktop. When I installed CCleaner for the first time, I moved its launch icon to this folder by drag and drop.
When I install a new version, the launch icon being re-created. The actual issue occurs when I move this recreated icon into the folder : Windows warns me that CCleaner.lnk already exists there and asks me if I want to overwrite it, keep the old version or keep both. *BUT* the ccleaner icon is missing from this popup warning window. And this occurs also for all other links in a similar situation, when the link already exists in the folder, it's not CCleaner specific.
I have tried many times to re-generate the icon user database, to no avail. Here it is how it works on a normal system :
Icon not displayed in standard warning popup window (Win7x64)Here the CCleaner icons are perfectly displayed (XP here). Not on my Win7 system. I tried to look on Microsoft online help, but with little results.
Thanks for any hint on how to solve this !