Check out these pictures of people in India painting "Happy Christmas" on their forehead -- in English but in Devanagari script. (Yes, the Reuters caption is wrong in both 2010 and 2011. It is English not Hindi.) I think only one of the p's in happy is pronounced though, so I would lean towards using प instead of the प्प conjunct.*) The first picture also has a Christmas tree, but I didn't noticed it until some time after seeing the second one.
I wish I could put the pictures right here but I don't want to get myself or the forum in trouble with Reuters -- enjoy:
Happy Christmas 2010Happy Christmas 2011I wish I could find out the story behind this instead of just seeing the pictures. They should interview these guys.
* After thinking about it further, "Happy" is a popular first name in the Punjab (at least in the movies), so maybe it is now considered a Punjabi and Hindi word by now, with its own standard spelling in their respective scripts.